Many small business owners don’t know anything about Dynamic WordPress Websites. Most think, simply having a website online is enough in today’s Internet crazed world. They think, “Hey if I’m online and people can find me” that’s enough for my business! Well, those small business owners are categorically wrong and I am going to explain why I say that.
Static HTML Websites
Back in the late 1990′s was really the first time small businesses everywhere started to become aware of this thing called the Internet. It was the first time they really took notice of this new potential sales pipeline and many ran out an paid big bucks to Web Designers to have a website built for their small business. And yes, at that time, simply having a website online representing their business was a big deal and they were absolutely ahead of the curve when it came to technology. Websites back then were built as Static HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) Websites and that was the way it was done. There were no templates back then and you had to hire someone who was well schooled in that type of programming. Those type of websites are called, Static websites because they are built using Programmer tools that are outside of the ability of non-technical people. Typically once the website is completed, it’s rare that the website’s content and layout ever change because to change it requires one to re-hire an HTML programmer.
Fast forward to 2013, and one would notice that a lot has changed in the world of the Internet! Today more people than ever use the Internet on a daily basis and rely on it for a multitude of things. People use the Internet to talk to other folks all over the planet via Email, Social Media, Webcams, Forums. They use it to make purchases, research topics and much more. It is safe to say, most people have cell phones that are Internet capable so now even mobile devices are part of a small business’ online strategy!
Dynamic WordPress Websites
WordPress is considered a Content Management System (CMS) which allows non-technical people to make updates to their websites. CMS websites are dynamic in that they allow one to make changes to the content as often as they choose. Don’t like the message on your front page? Change it. Want to add a picture to another page? Add it. It is that simple and the interface allows for even the most non-technical people (with a little training) to make changes. What’s even better is that one can make changes to their website from mobile devices as well! Sitting on the train and got a cool idea you would like to add to your website? No problem. Pullout your smart phone or tablet and login to the back-end of your Dynamic WordPress Website and make the change.
WordPress websites are also called dynamic in that unlike a Static HTML Website, Dynamic WordPress Websites utilize an SQL database to store content. Using SQL databases allows WordPress Websites to load faster than Static HTML Websites and provide a much better interface for website visitors.
The Advantage of Dynamic WordPress Websites
Another advantage of Dynamic WordPress Websites over that of Static HTML Websites, is that WordPress websites allow for Blog interaction with your website visitors. So some in the technical field may say, “Hey I can build a Static HTML Website and add the Blog feature too.” To that I say, not as easily and seamlessly as WordPress can!
Having a Blog within your website has a huge advantage as well! By having a Blog within your website, you now have a way of interacting with people interested in your small business’ products and services, doing so on your own website. So now if someone happens upon a Blog post featured on your site, they are simply a click away from seeing other pages on your website! So the idea is simple. I come to your website because your Blog post had information I was interested in. I read your Blog and realize, “Hey your website also has the products and services I am interested in as well!” “I think I will contact this website for more information!” Yes, having a Blog integrated into your dynamic WordPress website is the way to go in 2013!
Dynamic WordPress Websites that are Mobile Ready
Another cool thing about dynamic WordPress Websites is that you have the ability to change the layout and look of the site much more easier than you could ever do with a Static HTML Website. WordPress have these things called, “Child Theme’s” that can be changed (with a little programming) while not losing the written content during the process. Child Themes are like Halloween masks on a website. You can change the masks or look of the site, while still keeping the content and pictures in tact. Static HTML Websites require much more coding and time to make such changes.
Mobile Ready WordPress Websites are all the rage these days in the land of Web Design. These type of WordPress websites actually conform the layout to that of the device the person is using when they visit the site!
The Common Scenario
Imagine you are in your car traveling abroad and you suddenly get the taste for some pizza. You pullover to the side of the road, whip out your cell phone, go online and search for the word, “Pizza.” Google’s search engine pulls a list of 10 different pizza restaurants within a 5 mile radius from where you are at. You click on the first link but, you can’t figure out the location because all of the information is mangled and overlapping on your cell phone screen. You back-out of that site and click on the next link and “Wow” same thing…can’t see the information too well and “Hey their Pizza probably isn’t any good anyway if, I can’t see their website clearly on my smart phone!”
Finally you click on the third website listed and “Eureka! This website looks good, I can find it and man does that Pizza look good!”
Yes, that third website was built to be Mobile Ready! Mobile Ready Websites are a must for serious small businesses. It can mean the difference between landing a customer and losing a potential customer just off that alone!
* Now in reality if a website is coded poorly, Google won’t even pull the website up in your search. The only way a poorly coded website would show up in your search is if they have a Pay Per Click ad running or if they have taken the time to update a profile within Google Maps or the like. Typically the better the coding, the better the site’s ranking will be. The higher the ranking, the higher the chance more people will see the website. The big Search Engines have gotten smart like that!
Mobile Ready Dynamic WordPress Websites Made to Order!
We at SEO Graphic Design truly believe that if you are going to represent your company right online, you need a Mobile Ready WordPress Website! The Internet is constantly changing and to keep up with the big boys it’s best to start off on the right foot. Our Dynamic WordPress Websites are user friendly, great looking, fully validated and are considered state-of-the-art Web 2.0 ready!
Dynamic WordPress Websites are our specialty, contact us today to get a quote!